Benefits of Radioactive Materials Essay

Total Length: 885 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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The importance of Radioactive material and how it could apply to your career pathRadioactive materials are a class of chemicals with the atom\'s nucleus being unstable. These chemicals will achieve stability through changes in the nucleus in a process called radioactive decay (Alsharef et al., 2020). The changes can occur through the emission of alpha particles, spontaneous fission, or conversion of neutrons to protons. Radioactive materials refer to nuclear materials that have nuclides that will undergo spontaneous disintegration. Radioactive materials\' radiological or fissile properties might cause serious bodily injury, death, or substantial damage to property or the environment. Therefore, precautions must be taken when handling and disposing of radioactive materials. Examples of radioactive materials are cesium, iodine, cobalt, plutonium, radium, ionizing radiation, radon, thorium, strontium, and uranium.Radioactive materials are vital for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. They are also vital in medical research. While not many people are aware, about a third of all hospital patients are treated or diagnosed using radioactive materials or radiation (Hanifah et al., 2021). Nuclear medicine is the branch of medicine concerned with the use of radioactive materials. In diagnosis, a small amount of radioactive material is inhaled, injected, or swallowed by the patient. The radioactive material will collect in the area being studied, emitting photons that a gamma camera can see. The organ\'s function can then be seen in the photos produced by the gamma camera allowing physicians to identify issues in an organ or identify and measure tumors (Strunk et al., 2018).
Without the use of radioactive materials, it would be challenging to determine what might be the issue with an organ, and physicians would have to physically cut the patient and attempt to check the organ for any problems. Radioactive materials allow for a non-invasive method…

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…through a plant to test techniques for pest control. Reducing the impact of pests on plants will result in increased yield. Also, we can analyze how fertilizers move through a plant to develop effective and better fertilizers.In conclusion, we can develop effective methodologies for treating diseases and developing new medications by working in teams comprising physicists, chemists, and engineers to understand how various processes work in animals, people, and plants. The use of radioactive materials should not be seen negatively, especially considering we have been using them for a long time without us knowing. These materials have brought more benefits and allowed the discovery and development of better ways to treat and diagnose diseases. When radioactive materials are handled safely, they tend to offer more benefits to humans. Their use in healthcare has led to tremendous progress towards a healthier population and has allowed for the development of effective….....

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