The Benefits of Workplace Learning in Nursing Essay

Total Length: 1013 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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Summary and main learning points

The essay is based on a practical approach to work based learning among nurses who are new in the psychiatric facility. The plans covers a step by step approach to how nurses can safely restrain an irate patient and do so without putting self and the patient in any danger. The essay also gives a theoretical approach to the learning process in a manner that gives light to the varied practical approaches that facilitators or teachers can use to share knowledge, all with the end result being achieved. The essay also highlighted the importance of workplace learning to the various players who are engaged in the process; the learners and the facilitators. Thereafter, the essay highlights the intricate process of coming up with a learning plan and the reflection on the entire process of drawing up the learning schedule. There were learning aims and objectives also highlighted and discussed shortly and the lesson targets that the facilitator had for the students by the end of the practical lesson. The actual facilitation plan was then drawn up, with the activities that the learners would engage in clearly drafted and time allocations done to each of them. There are also teaching methods that facilitators can use in such a scenario covered in the essay, giving varied approaches which are implementable in a setting where new nurses can interact with facilitators and learning takes place. The entire essay helped me understand the challenges that the facilitators often face in ensuring a class lesson adopts a theoretical and practical teaching methods that ensures the learners benefit from the lesson taught. It also presented me with the chance to learn how to work with groups in undertaking practical lessons where the learners are participants in the learning process.

B. Completed the ( Observation form) (150 words)

1. Has the learner (and anyone else involved in the session ) agreed to the observation taking place?

Yes, the learners agreed to the observation taking place during the practical learning process.

2.. What is the learning situation to be observed? ( according to the facilitating plan)

The learning situation to be observed involves the learners, being new nurses from college taking part in a practical learning approach on how to safely restrain the patients within the psychiatric facility.

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The safety aspect was paramount to both the nurses and the patients who may have to be restrained.

3. What do you hope to achieve from this session (what do you expect the learner to be able to do, or to have practiced, or begun to understand?)

By the end of the practical lesson, each learner is expected to have mastered what restraint of a patient means, when the restraint may be needed. It also aims at equipping each nurse by the end of the lesson with requisite skills of safely carrying out a restraint on a patient ensuring that safety is observed both for the nurse and the patient.

4. Is there any particular feedback about the session that you would like from your observer?

I would like the observer to comment on the applicability of the plan that is drawn and suggest any changes that may be needed. This will help in making the necessary adjustments in the activities to be engaged in by the nurses since this is the most crucial section of the entire lesson.

Completed by the Observer (200 words)

5. How did the course member plan for the session you observed?

He was able to have a practical approach to his lesson by putting the learners into teas of three members each and slotting in activities that were time bound and directed towards achieving specific learning goals. he also had a thorough background reading of teaching methods and the theories of learning.

6. Did the session meet the stated learning outcomes?

The session met the outlined objectives and the goals that were intended since an evaluation and assessment of the learning that took place was made at the end of the lesson.

7 How did the course member assess that learning had taken place?

He assessed that learning had taken place by asking each member to apply practically whatever he had taught them with each member taking each of the roles that were available in the practical.

8. Were there any ethical issues that needed consideration

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