Beowulf Give a Detailed Description Term Paper

Total Length: 722 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Beowulf is an example of the perfect hero. He is selfless, in that he sacrifices his safety to save other people. He is also lonely, ironically as lonely as Grendel in his own way, as he waits for the monster he must kill alone in the hall. However, Beowulf is also tied in a network of social obligations to his lord and king, as he only agrees to fight Grendel after obtaining permission from the king to embark upon his feats of valor. Later, when he becomes king himself his lords mourn him, as is their obligation to their beloved leader. The Middle Ages was an era where individuals were forced to depend upon one another in a series of social relationships and bonds that held society together. The lord must honor his king with obedience and bravery just like the king must protect his lords. However, even in this society, showing kindness and chivalry towards others in a spirit of Christian altruism was also valued, especially if it could make one's reputation as a warrior, hence Beowulf's decision to risk his life to save the people of a foreign land and slay Grendel.

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Grendel is the ultimate horror, because he is a creature that exists outside of the network of social obligations, as a hideous, marginal outsider.

3. What kind of journey was Beowulf's? Was it a physical or a spiritual one or both?

Of course, on a basic level, Beowulf's journey is a physical journey, as Beowulf makes his reputation by slaying a beast, and must show his considerable physical prowess to do so. However, he must also look within himself and find generosity of spirit to risk his lives for others, and to have the mental fortitude to wait for Grendel, then Grendel's mother in the great hall of the thanes. Beowulf progresses from obeying a king to becoming an honored king himself over the course of the tale, thus by taking on additional physical and political responsibilities, Beowulf goes through a spiritual journey as well as proves….....

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