Beowulf What Does It Mean to Be Essay

Total Length: 1011 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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What does it mean to be good in the world described in Beowulf?

The way that good is described in the world of Beowulf, is as an individual who is: masculine, fearless and strong. The main character (i.e. Beowulf) is the classical depiction of this person. As he will continually, fight and slay the dragon that has been terrorizing the Danes. The way that he acts and carries himself throughout the story is the classic example of the all these elements of good combined into one. As a result, Beowulf is the ideal standard that all males in the community and society should be striving towards. Those who are able to do this will be seen as a hero, who will protect their community and family. ("Themes and Motifs," 2012)

What is the relationship between individual prowess and ethical virtue in Beowulf?

In the story, prowess and ethical virtues are integrated together. The way that this is taking place, is through the character Beowulf. As he is exhibiting, many of these characteristics based upon: his actions, the way he carries himself and his attitude. These different elements give the reader and the other characters a sense of trust in Beowulf. Once this takes place, is when he will use these attributes to show how the monster can be destroyed when they are utilized properly. For everyone, these basic values are the combination of the two different ideas and the individual characteristics they support. After, the monster has been killed, is when the reader can fully understand how these attributes gave Beowulf the confidence to be successful (when others have failed).
("Themes and Motifs," 2012)

In the poem, what does it mean to be a member of the community? How is this meaning communicated?

In Beowulf, a member of the community is someone who is part of the inner circle that discusses local affairs with the King. The way that this meaning is communicated is to have the various individuals express their ideas about bringing in Beowulf to kill the monster. The debate between the different parties is showing how there is a social order that must be followed (with the most influential having a dominate voice). After a lengthy discussion, is when the King will weigh in and the decision is made (by select individuals who are a part of this group). This segregation is showing how certain people are considered to be members of the community (based on their status or nobility). ("Themes and Motifs," 2012)

What is the role of the monster in defining virtue and community?

The monster is the classic definition of evil. This is because, he will attack the village during the middle of the night and he is breathing fire. Moreover, the way that he sneaks around and abducts people from the village is a sign of him lacking values. Once this takes place, is when the monster will become all the negative virtues inside the community. ("Themes and Motifs," 2012)

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