Beowulf in a Modern Setting Essay

Total Length: 872 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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minimum/maximum ( equivalent) introduction, body, conclusion. This a traditional essay. 2. Note assignment include author's note beginning explain project .

The following story is a modern adaptation of the epic poem "Beowulf" and it attempts to bring the poem's actions in a contemporary setting, with characters being somewhat similar to people today and providing readers with the chance to identify with them.

Several years ago the community of a small town in Denmark had a mayor who managed to put an end to corruption in the area and who made it possible for locals to change their perspective on life -- optimism came to dominate the town. This mayor had a son named Beow and this boy rapidly came into prominence through his generosity and through being dedicated to helping anyone he interacted with. In spite of the family's success, the mayor died in his apogee and left his supporters saddened with such a loss.

Beowulf came to follow in his father's footsteps and comes to hold several public offices, with his determination and intellect being widely appreciated. In a neighboring town, locals have a similarly praiseworthy leader by the name of Hrothgar. This man brought stability to the region and built an impressive hall in order to celebrate the greatness of his people and in order to provide them with the ability to enjoy themselves with its numerous facilities.
In spite of the peaceful nature of Hrothgar's town, a local crime leader keeps visiting the hall and starts making life difficult for most people there as he harasses everyone he comes across. The local police are helpless against the perpetrator -- Grendel -- as he is well armed and as he manages to defeat them with several occasions.

Beowulf hears about Hrothgar's troubles and, with permission from the local council, decides to intervene. He visits the hall and pretends to be a bystander as Grendel visits it again, only to attack the crime boss as he starts disturbing people in the building. Other people try to interfere but Grendel manages to fight them while Beowulf successfully disarms the criminal and leaves him with no way to fight. Seeing that he is helpless, Grendel rapidly leaves and thus makes Beowulf the hero of the day.

Upon hearing about the incident, Grendel's mother (a major political player in the town) brings her bodyguards and charges the hall in search of the person who humiliated her son. Her men kill one of Hrothgar's most trusted proteges in an attempt to reestablish the family's position in the town. Beowulf acknowledges the situation that he is in and….....

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