Bible Encourages a Depth of Essay

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Morality stems from Christ, not from human law. Human law is at best a reflection of God's law. When we try to impose moral laws on ourselves or our fellow human beings, we fail to live up to the glory of Christ because we are sinners by nature. Instead of struggling to live according to mundane morality, we can instead surrender to the higher law that is Christ. This sentiment is one that I have heard many times from other people, but it was not until I read it first hand in the Bible that it made sense to me. There was something to my personally connecting with those words that made a difference in my understanding of this simple truth.

The Bible has inspired me to live my life from faith. I have never doubted God, but also did not understand how to balance faith with the pressures of daily life. The Bible has helped me surrender and become more humble. Now I see more clearly that it is faith that sustains us, and that faith can be nurtured by reading scripture.
"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name," (John 20:31).

I have also come to view the study of the Bible as an ongoing venture. The reason why it is important to return again and again to scripture is again embodied in Ecclesiastes 1:9. There is nothing new under the sun, even if things change superficially. My life circumstances may be different five years from now, but re-reading one Bible passage might offer me new insights and revelations or change my heart in a key way. Revisiting key passages and reflecting on them at different times is what ongoing Bible study is all about. There is nothing new under the sun, which is why the Bible shall remain relevant for many more generations just as it has already….....

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