Biblical Character Abram Term Paper

Total Length: 694 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Abraham was the son of Terah and the descendent of Noah's son Shem. Many scholars estimate the span of his life to fall somewhere within the second millennium BCE. The story of Abraham begins in the ancient Sumerian town of Ur in southern Mesopotamia when his father, Terah, decides to leave the town with his family (Gen. 11.31). The family eventually settles in Horan, and it is here where Abraham receives God's call (Gen. 12.1-2). Essentially, God makes two promises to Abraham and to the ancestors: first, they will possess the land of Canaan; and second, that they will become a great nation. After receiving the Lord's word Abraham leaves Horan together with his wife Sarah and his nephew Lot; they journey to Canaan. Abraham erects alters and invokes Yahweh at Shechem and Bethel. By doing this, Abraham attempts to lay a foundation for their eventual occupation of Canaan, and also to sanction the newcomers to maintain the holy places of the former inhabitants of their own worship.

However, Abraham, Sarah, and Lot are eventually forced to move on from Canaan and into Egypt as a result of famine.
It is during this time that Abraham attains moderate wealth as a merchant. Largely, this is the result of Pharaoh's patronage after Sarah enters his household. Following this period, the group once again returns to Canaan but Lot chooses to settle in another area of the Jordon valley. This parting exemplifies the trouble facing Abraham concerning the naming of a direct heir. The Bible repeatedly states that his wife, Sarah, is infertile and this threatens the promise God made to Abraham; that he would be the founder of "a great nation." (Gen. 11.30). However, God reassures Abraham that his wife will bear him a son even though -- by this time -- she is ninety and he, ninety-nine. Upon this assurance Abraham, who up until this point is called "Abram," is given his true name and his wife is no longer known as Sarai. God says that Sarah "shall give rise to nations; kings of peoples shall come….....

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