Billing and Coding Tech Technological Developments Within Thesis

Total Length: 855 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Billing and Coding Tech

Technological developments within society in general has caused many changes in how society operates and solves its problems. The healthcare field is no exception and has utilized some of these improvements. The purpose of this essay is to describe and highlight some of these developments within this field . Specifically this essay will present information that describes how medical billing and coding practices have implemented technology in order to improve effectiveness. The essay will first present problems within medical and billing practices and then highlight ideas on how they may be improved and further developed to help eliminate unnecessary actions and focus on the healing process itself.

Current Problems

White (2010) highlighted some important problems that many are experiencing within medical and billing processes. She noted " billing mistakes can cost your practice money, frustrate your patients and even put your relationship with insurance providers at risk; however, the vast majority of billing mistakes can be avoided. " The three most common problems that workers encounter are: simple data errors, incorrect coding and duplicate billing.

Humans are inclined to make mistakes and the human factor can be harmful if health care workers are careless. Sometimes simple things like illegible handwriting may cause huge problems and miscommunication. If a person's writing is not read with the writer's intent it may cost money, time and risks the health of the patient.

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Medical insurance billing can be an overwhelming and complex process, even for those who are involved with it daily. The effectiveness of the billing process can significantly impact the finances of a practice.

Billing and coding information is meant to be distributed to many different recipients in order to complete many transactions. Insurance companies tend to misplace these claims or even never receive them. This process requires organizations to spend time and resources to double check their mistakes and ultimately affects the effectiveness of the health care process. The profiting of health care also causes some of these procedures to be interpreted to provide the most money to the health care organizations, putting certain ethical principles in question as well.

Privacy is also threatened in this new era of accessible information as well. Patients are entitled to having their privacy protected when seeing health care professionals but this becomes very difficult when personal information floats around many different places on a trail that is often difficult to follow. Standardization also becomes a problem within this global field as information is often shared about certain practices that can have positive results if applied correctly but….....

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