Biology of Psychology Essay

Total Length: 603 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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What is the overall point of the chapter?

The overall point of the chapter is that human psychology is a function of many complex interrelationships between the physiology of the brain and related systems (i.e. The endocrine system) and elements of conscious perception. Human perception and behavior comprises both "hardwired" biological components and "software" components in the form of conditioning. Neither physiology alone nor environmental conditioning alone explains or controls all human behavior. Both aspects of behavior contribute to behavior and perception simultaneously throughout our lives. The physiological processes that are responsible for perception and behavior are features of human evolutionary anatomy and they represent genetic influences in the same way that other aspects of human behavior (i.e. physical abilities, etc.) also depend on physical traits and on conditioning. Biology may set certain limits and establish certain predispositions but experiential conditioning is equally important.

2. What are 3 core concepts presented in the chapter? Describe, explain, and justify how and why these are core concepts.

1. The human mind is neither fully attributable to physiological mechanisms nor to abstractions that have no tie to physiology: the human mind represents both. All of us share the same physiology but there are aspects of mind that cannot be explained fully strictly by biology or physiology. 2. The biology of perception is highly influenced by external experiences, especially during critical developmental periods. Fundamental neurological processes (such as the manner in which synapses transmit sensation and the effect of various neurotransmitters on behavior) are the same in all human beings. However, conditioning substantially changes the conditions under which some of those processes operate. Conditioned stress is a perfect example. 3. Social context is critical to the development of the human mind. All of share the same physiological processes (such as how we react to….....

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