Biopsychology Disorder Over the Last Several Years, Thesis

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Biopsychology Disorder

Over the last several years, many health care professionals have been focusing on wide variety of approaches to fully understand the impact that depression having on people. At the heart of this area of research, has been studying the way that a person is reacting to a particular event. This is because there are certain genetic factors and traits that can have an effect on how they are interpreting a variety of situations. As a result, there has been an emphasis on comprehending how these elements can influence an individual's thinking. Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than, observations from Plomin (2003) who observed, "We are rapidly approaching the postgenomic era in which we will know all of the 3 billion DNA bases in the human genome sequence and all of the variations in the genome sequence that are ultimately responsible for genetic influence on behavior. These ongoing advances and new techniques will make it easier to identify genes associated with psychopathology." (Plomin, 2003, pg. 205) This is significant, because it is illustrating how genetics is playing a major role in determining the way someone will be impacted by different psychological ailments. In the case of humanism, there is a concentration on looking at the whole person and the various factors that are influencing them. To fully understand what is taking place, we will examine different pieces of research about how biopsychology is affecting this field. Once this takes place, it will offer us specific insights about how this can be used to help treat depression.

How Biopsychology is Influencing the Humanism and Depression?

Traditionally, the humanist has been focused on helping the person to see how their inner feelings and self-image are influencing their behavior. This is accomplished by looking at the way a person is interpreting these underlying events from their own perspective and those from the viewpoint of the psychologist. Once this takes place, it will provide us with specific insights about how these ideas are influencing their behavior and the way that they are interacting with society. One of the most influential thinkers on this field was Abraham Maslow, where he determined that there is a hierarchy of needs that needs to be addressed in order to help someone progress to higher levels of psychological awareness.

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The most notable include: dealing with their biological / psychological needs, safety, the desire to belong / feel loved, self-esteem and self-actualization needs. These different elements are important, because they are providing us with a basic foundation for understanding how these various factors will influence the way that a person is interacting with the world around them. If you can address all of them, you will begin to have a positive impact on their behavior and how they are looking at a host of different situations that are occurring in their lives. (Zastrow, 2009, pp. 448 -- 449) Once this takes place, you can begin to deal with various aspects of their depression by giving them a reason to change.

However, recent advancements in science and within the field of psychology have meant that there has been transformation in the humanistic approach. This is because understanding the patient's feelings and inner behavior can have influence their thought process. Yet, when you combine this with understanding how their biochemistry could be influencing their thinking. This is when you can make more specific recommendations about how to help them overcome the issues that have been affecting them. A good example of this can be seen with observations from Ryback (2006) where he wrote, "This is a fairly new movement, with its openness to brain research and such cutting-edge notions as the adaptive unconscious -- 'thin slicing' unconscious perceptions for immediate decision making. The integration of humanism with emerging brain research leads to the possibility of modifying brain structure through conscious awareness, thereby restoring self-determination to its proper role." (Ryback, 2006, pg. 474) This is significant, because it is illustrating how this basic approach can improve our understanding of the thoughts and ideas that are affecting an individual. As, we are not only focusing on traditional methods, but we are also looking at biological and genetic factors that could influence them. Once this occurs, it means that we will have a greater….....

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