Birth of Computer Technology, There Term Paper

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The use of database in our organization has already played a large part in each and every activity in our company. As with any other company who eliminated the use paper as the source of information, I can say that our entire company has been 80% dependent on the capabilities of database applications. From the process of getting information of customers and clients, offering our products and services, delivering the customers' needs, and recording every information in every process of our business activities, the company relies on the use of computer applications that utilizes database tools. In fact, in just my job responsibilities alone, the use of database applications comprises 80% of my tasks' needs. Moreover, in the area of selling our products and services, the database applications that our company has made available online plays 75% in successful business transactions with customers.

There are a number of researches and studies that have proven the advantages of using database applications within a workplace. If one is to analyze, the reality that database tools are indispensable in any business these days. Today, it is perhaps impossible to see a company that doesn't make use of database applications.

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Even in industries that don't focus on the technology-related business, database tools are similarly utilized. This is because information is always a part of any business.

In the continuous developments that emerge in the history of computer technology, the role of database will similarly provide significant part. In our organization, because database provides great number of benefits to our operation, the use of database will continuously exist. That is, unless there will be a new development that can supersede the advantages that a database provides.


Improvement is always a part in making an organization perform better than how it does. Thus, my proposal to make this possible, in terms of improving the use of database in our organization, is database normalization and optimization. For instance, the ability of our database applications to quickly and accurately provide information can be enhanced if storage of data will be done in a smarter way such as minimizing redundant type of information.

Also, another improvement is to allow the possibility that company-internal database applications will be integrated with each other to….....

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