Birthdays in Vasilika Visilika Is Term Paper

Total Length: 608 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Within some circles where birthday is an innovation, parents may tend to express some anxiety over "getting it right" and give a comment that, it is how they do it in Europe. Magazines which are popular always run articles having advices on the way of holding birthday's parties as well as appropriately presents and food. Past the age of eighteen, only special birthdays are celebrated.

Birthday in contrast with the older pattern of name-day celebrations, celebrates birth of an individual as a unique event. They tend not to be public knowledge since they are selective and needs an invitation. They are always not inclusive or communal. They are used to mark an individual's age making it to be the finite passage of life. Moreover birthdays are recognition of a person's physical being because they mark the mortality of humans.

Even though there is much recognition going on about the birthday, they tend to take place concurrently.

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Nevertheless, with the several changes in the way of carrying birthdays, there is no doubt that several changes will happen to the name-day celebrations.


Even though there was less recognition of the birth days in Visilika in the past and the on the event that was given weight was name-day, with the influence of the modern society, for example economic aspect of the people, technology that are coming up (media), and mixture of cultures much recognition will be on birthday. However much the celebrations might be of different kinds, there will be a lot of changes in the name-day celebration as birthdays will tend to be widely spread across the areas.


Aschenbrenner, S. 1975. Folk model vs. actual practice: The distribution of spiritual kin in a Greek village. Anthropological Quarterly 48: 65 -- 86.

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