Black Music Values and Styles Essay

Total Length: 365 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

Black Studies: Music—Reaction 1Nina Simone is the artist behind the songs "Young Gifted and Black" and "Black Gold". Nina Simone was an iconic jazz and R&B singer and songwriter, who emerged in the 1950s and 1960s. She was a powerful civil rights activist and a vocal advocate for the struggle of African Americans. She was also well known for her powerful performances and her work that combined classical with jazz music."Young Gifted and Black" was released in 1969, and was a tribute to the young people of color during the civil rights movement. The lyrics speak to the potential and strength of African Americans to make a difference and rise up against injustice. The song is a celebration of African American culture, encouraging young people to pursue their dreams."Black Gold" was also released in 1969, and was written by Simone with Curtis Lewis as a commentary on the oil crisis in the United States, which had disproportionately affected African American communities. The song is a reminder of their struggles and resilience and is a call to action for those who have been forgotten to reclaim their power.
These songs reflect the values and traditions of Black music that are still prevalent today. Stewart states that black music has always contained an awareness of the politics of oppression, which is something found in both these songs. By conveying messages of hope, strength and resilience, these songs show the importance of coming together as a community and standing up for what’s right.These songs also align with Stewart's notion of values and tradition in Black music. Stewart emphasizes the importance of community, perseverance, and political awareness in Black music. Nina Simone’s song “Young Gifted and Black” speaks to the potential of African American youth and celebrates their culture, while her song “Black Gold” calls out the political awareness of the times and encourages listeners to reclaim their power. Both songs honor the values and traditions of Black music, as well as make a statement about the power of African Americans to overcome hardships and make a difference in the world.

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