Blessed Are the Peacemakers in Essay

Total Length: 1731 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

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Several members of the congregation left a prayer meeting to come out and see what the noise was all about.

Walter briskly walked right up to the man, slapped him hard in the face, grabbed Sonny, set him down, and backed up for a moment. He rolled up his sleeves. The fat man's face was bright red. He panted. He moved forward to attack Walter, swinging a right fist towards Walter's face.

Walter ducked away from the fist and then aggressively wrapped his powerful right arm around the fat man's head and pulled him hard into the dandelion yard in a wrestler's grip. Walter kept a headlock on the fat man while Elmo retrieved Sonny's bike from the street.

"Apologize!" Walter demanded of the fat man.

"Okay!" The fat man replied. "Let me go." Walter released his iron grip on the man and helped him back up. "Don't you ever mess with that child again. Hear me?" Walter demanded.

"I am sorry," said the fat man, his ego bruised. "I promise. I'll leave him alone."

When Walter rejoined the entire group inside the church, he washed his hands and took a deep breath. Elmo teased him about using brute force next door to a Christian church.

"Blessed are the peacemakers," Walter said, cracking a smile, "For they shall be called the children….....

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