Body Armor Policy Rational for Term Paper

Total Length: 782 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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12% of the departments reported their officers are not fitted for body armor, other than receiving a size that approximates their body size. Given the importance of fit to the proper functioning of body armor, this percentage is of some concern. 90% of the reporting agencies do not conduct inspections to ensure that officers' body armor fits well and/or is maintained properly. Of the few agencies that do conduct these inspections, most frequently, inspections for fit are conducted only once a year or less. 78% of law enforcement agencies surveyed do not have a database or automated record system for a body armor replacement schedule and nearly one-quarter of agencies have no policy concerning replacement of body armor so it's difficult to ascertain how often they actually replace their armor (Police Executive Research Forum, 2009).


Zakhary and Carnes (2007) report gaining acceptance of concealable body armor has been difficult.
Originally vests were expensive, and officers complained that they were by and large uncomfortable, hot to wear in warm climates, and limited flexibility. Most of these issues have been mitigated to some extent.

Recent data shows that 43% of all the officers killed, whether assaulted or in accidents, were not wearing body armor. Statistics for officers feloniously killed for 2006 show that, of the 48 officers killed in the line of duty, 46 were killed by firearms, 35 with handguns, 8 with rifles, 2 with shotguns, and 1 with an unknown firearm. Twenty-two of these officers were not wearing body armor (Police Exective Research Forum, 2009).

Given the overwhelming data demonstrating the effectiveness and benefits of body armor and the lack of any substantial argument against its use, it is difficult to make a case in opposition to a policy requiring its.....

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