Boot Camp's Program Claim of a 0% Research Paper

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Boot Camp's Program Claim of a 0% Recidivism Rate

Addressing a Boot Camp's Program's Claim of a 0% Recidivism Rate

The Claim: A Boot Camp Program Run by a Local Sheriff's Department Claims a Recidivism Rate of 0%

My assessment on the accuracy of the above statement and this discussion in general, will make use of a number of fundamental terms: corrective boot camp program, recidivism and shock incarceration. A corrective boot camp program, to begin with, refers to a facility that makes use of the techniques applied during military training sessions, to instill a culture of 'doing what is right' in youthful first-time offenders. Recidivism, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (2013), is the tendency to repeat criminal activities, leading to re-arrest, during the three-year duration following release from a correctional facility. Finally, shock incarceration, like the name suggests, is a program used on first time offenders, to 'shock' them from recidivism (Cole & Smith, 2007).

In order to assess the accuracy of the statement under evaluation, we need to examine the efficiency of boot camp programs vis-a-vis other correctional sanctions, such as prison sentences. Boot camps, like all other intermediate programs in the system of justice, are formed with the objectives of reducing both the rates of recidivism, and the population in prisons (Jones, 2012). As the author further points out, a number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficiency of boot camp programs in meeting these objectives. Bottcher and Ezell (as cited in Jones, 2012) note that results have since depicted that these programs have been unsuccessful in reducing recidivism, with some facing incidents of participants' abuse.

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To lay more emphasis on this, Miler, Klas, and Fineout (as cited in Cole, Smith & Dejong, 2012) further point out that there was an uproar from the public following the death of a teenager in the hands of the guards at a juvenile boot camp in Panama. In addition, Parent (as cited in Cole et al., 2012) notes that the National Institute of Justice carried out an experiment on boot camps, which revealed that they had " failed to reduce recidivism" (p.596).

There has not been a notable difference between the participants who graduate from boot camps, and their cohorts who serve their full-time prison sentences (the control group). Taking the example of the famous LEAD boot camp in California, Jones (2012) points out that 44% of the participant graduates from LEAD got re-arrested within the year following their release, against the control group's 50%. Considering other factors, such as the extra effort and time put into the boot camp program, "the re-arrest and serious crime rates among both groups were hardly distinguishable" (Jones, 2012, p.1).

In the light of these past studies, I am of the opinion that the information depicted in the statement above is inaccurate. In my view, such information could be used to portray a not-so-true image of success, so as to consequently maintain the boot camp's eligibility for government funding.

The changes in the behavior of boot camp graduates cannot be fully attributed to their participation in the program, mainly due to the reasons I have discussed in the previous part. Empirical studies have since raised a number of concerns in relation to the.....

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