Brainstorming What Is Brainstorming? It Is the Term Paper

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What is brainstorming? It is the popular problem-solving technique that involves the creation of a comprehensive list that would include all the different but related ideas and concepts that would work towards problem solving. It can also be defined as a technique used for not only generating ideas that would solve a problem, but also for the refining and the development of these ideas by the concerned persons or individuals or the tem of people. The technique of 'free association' is very popular for such brainstorming sessions. (Definition of Brainstorming)

The management of a company often utilizes brainstorming as a useful technique when the need is to generate ideas from several different people, either in a large or a small group, and once the ideas have been generated, the management reserves the option of choosing the best idea from the large number of ideas and concepts that have come about from one brainstorming session. The secret to a successful brainstorming session is that it must be performed in a relaxed and conducive atmosphere, where all the participants feel free to be silly, and where they can actually stretch their brains into thinking silly thoughts, which, in the long run, may turn out to be most unique and original and creative. The first step to take in a brainstorming session would be to define the problem, for which the solution is being sought. For example, the problem may be that the company needs an idea for the development of a new Christmas toy, for which a brainstorming session would come up with creative ideas. The problem must then be explained to all those who are present, so that it is understood, and there is no confusion. The trick is not to impose too many restrictions at this time, and to impose a specific time limit for the session.

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(The Step-by-Step Guide to Brainstorming)

Now the session can start, and everyone present must be given an equal chance to shout out his or her ideas, while another individual writes down all that is being said and discussed. There must be no criticism of ideas at all, because this may result in the clamming up of the person who has given the idea, and this would effectively put a stop to that person's ideas. Laughing must be encouraged, for the reason that this will put everyone present at ease with each other, so that there will be no fear of rejection. The secret is that the ideas that may seem to be silly or foolish at the outset may eventually become the income generating and profit generating ideas that really sell well in the marketplace. After the time is over, five of the best ideas can be selected, with the agreement of all who are present at the session, and once this is done, the next step can be taken, which is that of defining the five best criteria that would judge the idea that would best solve the particular problem. For example, the idea should be cost-effective, or the idea should be legal, and so on. (The Step-by-Step Guide to Brainstorming)

What must be kept in mind is the fact that most problems may not actually be solved with the very first idea that comes to mind; rather, numerous solutions must be considered, and only then must one idea be taken into consideration. When brainstorming offers quite a few creative solutions to the problem on hand, all the responses to the….....

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