British Politics Term Paper

Total Length: 1048 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Elizabeth I-Movie

Since the invention of cinema in the twentieth century one of the favorite subjects of the moviemakers has been to spread out historic myths and events. The movie Elizabeth released on 13th November 1998 is directed by Shehkar Kapoor. The film is of 124 minutes long. It is the story of Queen Elizabeth I, who ruled England for 45 years from 1558 to 1603. Role of Elizabeth is played by Cate Blanchett. The period shown in the film is mid sixteen century and the location is England. The film is about how Elizabeth I got to the throne, the early days of her struggle as queen of England and Ireland and the troubles she faced to maintain her reign. The film may be categorized as history and romance.

The film begins in the last days of Queen Mary, who was a fanatic Catholic as a result there was tussle between churches in England. The country was instable financially as well. Queen Mary was basically jealous of her half sister Elizabeth and even imprisoned her in the tower of London. During her period Mary tried to get rid of Elizabeth even going to the extent of killing Elizabeth but failed. But Mary dies soon and Elizabeth being next in line is crowned at the age of 23. People take a sigh of relief on getting rid of the unsympathetic rule of Mary. Elizabeth was also blissful to get out of the penitentiary and to become a queen.

Elizabeth now being queen had revived her affair with her childhood beloved Lord Robert Dudely.
But the country was in bad shape economically; armed forces were under serious threat from abroad. So Sir William Cecil her chief advisor solicited Elizabeth to give more time to state affairs than to her love life. He even suggested her to that strengthened her rule she should either get married to French Duc d'Anjou or King Phillip II of Spain. Ultimately she declines both offers.

Then a progression of crisis breaks on her thrown and person. French Queen attacks from the Scotland side after a great debate between pro- war and Anti-war lobbyist decision to fight on is made but is met with a defeat.

There were even attempts on her life on a beautiful summer night when she was enjoying the company of Dudely by River Tames and arrow missing her head killed one of her guard.

In another attempt Queen France to avenge Elizabeth's refusal to marry her nephew sent her a gift of a gorgeous French silk dress laced with poison. Again to the good fortune of Elizabeth, she escapes and instead, her lady-in-waiting dies. To take revenge, Elizabeth sends his emissary Walsingham to Scotland who seduces Mary and kills her. So, she succeeds in her plan and Mary of France is killed in bed.

In between all this, her romance with Dudely becomes more intense and pronounced. The love panorama looks stronger and stronger. At this juncture Elizabeth-Dudely romance suffers a setback when Elizabeth learns that Dudely is secretly married to another woman. Elizabeth turns away from Dudely and develops a new bond with.....

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