Buddhism Has Leapt Out of Thesis

Total Length: 1674 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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The buggy piece of software is not embedded in the computer; it is just a program that can be eliminated by recognizing it for what it is. Likewise, the inner critic is a program that can be extricated from the mind by recognizing it as such and then erasing it from the system's hard drive. When the inner critic is no longer part of the person's identity, he or she is liberated from the tyranny of self-criticism and self-hatred. Any self-critical thoughts that arise during the day are dismissed with a simple smile, in the same way a customer service representative deftly dismisses irate customers.

Mindfulness brings up not only cognitions but emotions and physical sensations as well. Those emotions and physical sensations can be used as biofeedback tools in the process of healing.
If the client becomes aware of feeling tension in the neck when certain critical thoughts arise, he or she may be more likely to notice neck tension during the day and take note of the corresponding thought processes. By becoming aware of the neck tension, the client becomes aware of the inner critic rearing its head. Similarly, emotions of anger or anxiety are often products of the inner critic, ways the inner critic punishes the person. They need not be identified with the core character of the client, who learns to distinguish the Self from the not-Self. The therapist can coach the client by asking him or her to ponder the question "Who am I?" The answer to that question will most likely not be the inner critic......

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