Business Communication the Internet Has Term Paper

Total Length: 946 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Instead of photographs, in many cases the designer uses type to make its message. For example, in big white letters on a full bleed red page, the section reads: "How are we making banking better?" This is followed by the next page, again with large gray letters on a stark white background saying, "By being clear and easy to understand." These large letters with very few words work very well to get the message of clarity and ease of understanding across to the readers in a different way than just writing about it. The design shows it rather than tells it.

The next several pages of the report continue in this fashion, with a major headline about the topic to be covered, for example "by making every good loan we can," and then a page of text to cover the topic. In addition, since there are scrolled pages instead of pages in a book, the annual report breaks up the copy with full-page photographs that fit with the topic. The financial information is much blander, with straight copy and columns of numbers. It would have been helpful for the designer to continue using graphics to break up the areas and graphs and charts to show the information in a different way. Similarly, at the end when it lists the board members, it would have been graphic and helpful to show pictures of each person. There is a group shot, instead of individual photos.

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Also, they do not have a bio of each person.

What is lacking in the bank's annual report is warmth. There is virtually nothing about the employees and what they have achieved over the year. Nor, is there anything extensive about volunteerism or employee activities. The annual report could be for any financial institution, just by changing the name. Many times annual reports also include more about the mission, vision and goals of the organization. There is some coverage of this, but it is almost lip service compared to what could have been included. Although there is at least some color, photographs and typographical design elements in this annual report, it still has a long way to go before actually being strong image type of publication.

Just because it is more difficult for companies to design annual reports that are in an electronic form, should not mean that they should be any less graphic and informative than they have been in the past. Over the years, organizations have spent considerable time and money developing their annual reports to ensure that these publications provide the right image and written material. Companies can do much more than include bland text and a photo here or there. In fact, it is possible to include links, videos, photo magnification, and other multimedia effects that are already being used as part of the….....

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