Business Goals Since the New Term Paper

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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An article by Bernard Stahl, "The responsible company of the future: reflective responsibility in business," that the one thing that is certain about the future is its uncertainty. While uncertainty has always been a constant of human life, due to technological and social developments, risk and uncertainty are going to be defining features that future companies of the future will have to face. Acting responsibly will allow companies to face risks and uncertainties, to adhere to moral standards and at the same time improve their economic viability. Developing and implementing a plan for responsible action will demand costly and significant resources, patience and the acceptance that failure can still occur. However, this approach will be much better for our country and the world at large. I look forward to having such a company after graduating.

Similarly, an article by Ken Petress, "Some thoughts about deception," stresses that "Deception is shown to be ubiquitous in our culture and is defined as a corrosive cultural element in need of correcting." The article, which defines deception as a value, not just as a behavior, advocates promoting truthfulness starting in the grade schools to reverse societal trends. The author said that he was shocked when he visited all levels of schools from elementary to college and conducted surveys about lying.
All groups agreed that lying was common; they, themselves, sometimes lied; and they were aware when being told lies, but rarely did anything about it. Some students, and even some teachers, expressed curiosity about why he was making a big deal of lying. Families are a place to learn values. I hope that I can do my share in the future to increase the value of honesty.

Several of the articles I read also had to do with valuing the differences among individuals. Because our country specifically, and the whole world in general, is becoming more global, it will be important for people and nations to be more tolerant of diversity. Brodbeck's study, comparing management roles across Europe, tested the assumption that leadership concepts differ due to cultural variations. Middle-level managers from 22 European countries rated 112 questionnaire items containing descriptions of leadership traits and behaviors. For each attribute, respondents rated how well it fits their concept of an outstanding business leader. The findings support the assumption that leadership concepts are culturally endorsed. Specifically, clusters of European countries that share similar cultural values according to prior cross-cultural research also share similar leadership concepts. Recognizing similarities and differences in leadership styles will encourage.....

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