Business - International Oceania: Government Term Paper

Total Length: 1165 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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As such, Chavez's initiative inspires international leaders to increase their independence from a single force. Managers are encouraged to become more independent, to focus their efforts towards developing a solution to their problems without the aid of foreigners. Furthermore, international rulers are advised to take action in regard to their issues instead of waiting for a tertiary intervention.

The actors on the international management scene are also encouraged to seek assistance and develop relationships with their neighbours and other parties that might find themselves in similar situations and who have similar desires and expectations. As such, the decision to open a new development bank in South America inspires international leaders who rule over smaller communities to join forces in order to reach their goals and also to decrease their dependence on one strong force.

On the other hand, what Chavez's implementation of a new bank does for the community of international leaders is that it increases managers' business opportunities. By creating an alternative to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the decision made by the six South American states points out the existence of other financing alternatives. As such, it encourages the management to seek for more profitable investors and creditors.

3. Asia: Protesters Tell Wal-Mart to Quit India

Business Week, Friday, October 12, 2007

Article Review

On the 10th of October 2007, approximately seven thousand inhabitants of Maharashtra gathered up in front of the Azad Maidan to protest against supermarket chains invading India.

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Their main discontents regarded German Metro and American Wal-Mart, but also the recently opened Indian Reliance Retail. The participants argued that the store chains were imposing monopoly on the Indian market and that they destroyed the small and local businesses. They also pointed out that the protest was only the first out of a long series to come and that they would only cease their protests when the retailers have left their countries.

Influence on International Management

The actions of the Maharashtra have two opposed impacts on the management community. On one hand, they encourage small and local businesses to stand up for themselves and to eliminate the monopoly threat posed by international conglomerates who open new subsidies onto their territories. As such, local managers are inspired to protect their businesses, their customers and their cultures.

On the other hand, the protests in Asia impact the international managers in the meaning that they increase the awareness in regard to the problems posed on positioning their products onto a foreign country. International managers will better analyze the cultural features of their destination region and the businesses that are being developed there. In order for these companies to properly function within the new territory, they must not pose a threat to local businesses and they should present the population with products that can not be produced internally......

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