Business Letter Dear Mentor Thank Term Paper

Total Length: 611 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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However, I think that I also need to convey to the audience the message that my company intends to extend its market share and looks forward to a long-term sustainable growth rather than short-term profits.

In terms of the structure of the presentation, I will start with a brief presentation of myself and of my credentials. After a brief presentation of my general business idea, I will go into an analysis of distance learning and the distance learning market, to create the premises that will support my idea. I can then describe the external environment in which the business will evolve, along with the internal organizational plans I will be creating. Finally, the business plan will insist on financial information that the audience is likely to find very useful.

I think that a PowerPoint presentation is the best choice for communicating my ideas.

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I am thinking, first of all, of the fact that I can actually customize my presentation so that it can include charts and graphs. Further more, it is more attractive and easy to follow. I will be printing the slides out on paper support so that the audience can actually follow along as I go.

Finally, I plan on using instruments that will help me reflect the idea that I am very confident in the success of my business idea. I will be wearing a black, professional suit, and I will constantly be speaking very clear and loud, with a strong emphasis.

Thank you for going through this information for me. I appreciate any assistance or recommendations that you think will help me obtain the loan from the investment company.….....

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