Business Management -- Human Resource Essay

Total Length: 509 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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To the extent the respondents expressed their perceived need for improvement, the areas implicated relate to functions that reflect executive decisions and operational management decisions rather than human resources decisions, notwithstanding the fact that those functions might be administrated by the human resource department. .

Two Appropriate Human Resource Evaluation Methods

Two appropriate human resource evaluation methods that are applicable to the organization are (1) the proportion of new hires that remain in the organization's employ for at least five years, and (2) rate at which junior employees earn promotion to higher positions including management positions (Noe, Hollenbeck, & Gerhart, 2009; Robbins & Judge, 2009). In this organization, those measures would indicate that the principal human resource functions are operating effectively.
There is a low rate of attrition among new employees and there is always competition among multiple qualified candidates for promotion to supervisory positions.

On the other hand, those two measures of human resource functions would not necessarily help identify possible areas where further development may be desired. In that regard, it might benefit the organization to place more emphasis on the communication and coordination efforts between the human resource department and executive management with respect to the apparent concerns of employees on matters of compensation and operational management issues that also involve human resource functions.......

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