Business Management Many Workers Need Term Paper

Total Length: 506 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Question #3

Because the instructor appears not to understand what is causing the drop in attendance and overall performance, the teacher should attempt to find out why students enrolled in the course in the first place, how they feel about the current subject matter and assignments, what they expect, and how they would change the subject material. The instructor should then adapt the course materials and assignments to the students' interests and needs. Further, the instructor needs to make students feel more involved with the class by encourage them to share their ideas and knowledge and encouraging greater student participation through techniques such as debates, brainstorming, and discussions.

Question #4

The managing director should not automatically assume that fear caused by Sept. 11th is the reason behind the high employee absenteeism.

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There could be many other possibilities. First, the director should conduct a confidential employee survey to assess the underlying causes of the absences. Next, the director should hold a meeting with employees to summarize and share the results with the employees and to let them know that the issues will be taken seriously. During this meeting, the director should solicit suggestions for improvement. After evaluating the ideas, the manager needs to develop and communicate an action plan for change. Future meetings and surveys should attempt to measure how well the employees believe the action plan is working. This should be a continuous process with modifications made on an as….....

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"Business Management Many Workers Need", 19 November 2004, Accessed.3 June. 2024,