Business Plan and Spanish Business Proposal

Total Length: 567 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Business Plan for the Spanish Language Learning Academy

This business plan describes the Spanish Language Learning Academy that I propose to establish in my city. There are no other independent Spanish Language learning schools in the city, so competition is not a problem. The Academy will offer independent courses for private classes as well as classes to schools.

Business Description

The Spanish Language Learning Academy will offer a variety of classes and one-on-one sessions to students, young and old, seeking to learn or deepen their knowledge of Spanish. The Academy will hire Spanish-speaking teachers (they must be fluent in speaking and in writing Spanish) who are willing to commit to a one-year contract with the Academy. They will then be contracted to fill teaching positions as they become available. The Academy will host sessions in its building which is owned by the proprietor of the business and it will also conduct on-site classes for schools during the school day. Teachers are supplied with all teaching materials, including worksheets and teacher's guide manuals.

Product or Service

The service that the Spanish Language Learning Academy offers include materials for learning (books and study manuals) included in the price of the classes. A 12-week any level class will cost $300. A 24-week course will cost $500 -- a savings of $100. Thus, the student receives more lessons for less cost if he/she chooses the longer course.
Longer courses are available upon request and school course packages are available so long as the minimum number of students enrolled is met. The minimum number for a class at a school is 10 students. They must be signed up before the classes begin in the fall and spring.

Mission and Vision Statements

The mission of the Spanish Language Learning Academy is to provide professional, quality classes for students of all ages. We offer 1) quality, 2) affordable, 3) comfortable, and 4) balanced classes. The classes are quality: we use a carefully constructed curriculum designed to meet the needs of any level learner. The classes are affordable: for under $25 per session, a student can learn Spanish from a true, Spanish-speaking teacher. The classes are comfortable: one-on-one sessions are conducted informally in the Academy House. The classes are balanced: classes are conducted in Spanish to allow an immersive experience -- but English is not forbidden.

Market Analysis

There is a real market for these classes as there is no other independent academy offering them in the city and schools have a high demand to teach Spanish but have difficulty fitting it into the….....

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