Business Writing Wrong Sentence Something Term Paper

Total Length: 641 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

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Wrong Sentence 7

May I take just a moment of your valuable time to point out that our house for the next three weeks will change, and we trust and pray that no one in your agency will be terribly inconvenienced by this.

Correct Sentence 7

This is just to notify you that we shall be changing our house for the coming three weeks. We greatly regret any inconveniences caused. Thank you.

Wrong Sentence 8

Your application has been received and will be kept on the file for six months. If we are interested in you, we will notify you. If you do not hear from us, please do not write us again.

Correct Sentence 8

This is just to notify you that your application was successfully received. If you do not hear from us within the next few days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Your application will, however, be kept on file and you may be contacted in the future, depending on the availability of openings that match your competencies.

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Wrong Sentence 9

My past performance as a medical technologist has left nothing to be desired.

Correct Sentence 9

My service as a medical technologist has not been without its challenges. I, however, plan to take the necessary steps to enhance my performance going forward.

Wrong Sentence 10

Credit means a lot to some people. But obviously you do not care about yours. If you did, you would have sent us the $249.95 you rightfully owe us three months ago. What's wrong with you?

Correct Sentence 10

We trust and believe that the significant success your firm enjoys has been built on sound and mutually beneficial relations with customers. It is on the strength of this that we have confidence you will honor the $249.95 your firm rightfully….....

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"Business Writing Wrong Sentence Something", 01 April 2014, Accessed.16 June. 2024,