Businesses Shape the World and Change the Term Paper

Total Length: 341 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Businesses shape the world and change the world. Boeing started a business and without them, air travel would not be what it is today. Bill Gates started a business and without Microsoft, technology would not be where it is today. Merck started a business and without them, health care would not be where it is today. These companies have changed the world for the better.

It also fascinates me to see how companies have grown into multinational billion dollar companies. Microsoft and Boeing did it because they had a revolutionary product.

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But McDonalds didn't have this product. Honestly, they just have burgers that aren't that nice. But with a brilliant business and marketing plan based on both speed and providing a standard product, they are one of the most successful companies in the world.

Businesses provide us with everything we need. Not just the big companies but also small business. Everything is manufactured by some company, every service is provided by some company. Businesses are the basis for everything we….....

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