Calculate a Mutiple Regression Problem. A2 Coursework

Total Length: 674 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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What is the equation for a regression line? What does each term in the line refer to?


Y' = bX + a, x is the independent variable (that plotted on the horizontal line), b is the slope of the line and a is the y intercept (i.e. The point on the line where x intercepts with y (the variable graphed on the vertical line / the dependent variable). Y' consists of the predicted values of Y for the various values of x.

2. If a regression equation were: Y = 3X + 5, what would be the predicted score for a person scoring 8 on X?


Y = 3X * 8 + 5 =29

3. Generally speaking, during presidential election years, the winning candidate's party gain seats in the House of Representatives. However, during the off-year or midterm election, the president's party losses seats in the House. The number of seats that the president's party losses often depends on how popular he is with the voters.

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Use the regression equation provided below to predict the number of seats the Republican party will loss (or win) in the House, where:

Y = number of seats

X = the president's approval rating (the percentage of voters who think that he is doing a good job as president).


Y = -9.75 + .15X = -9.6

The republican party will gain 9.6 seats. There is a perfect linear negative relationship between presidetn's popularity rating and between the amount of seats that he gains / loses in the Party.

On October 14, Gallup reported that George W. Bush had an approval rating of 62%. What effect will this have for his party in the House? What is the break even poin - "the point at which the Republicans would neither lose or gain seats in the House?

The equation here is:

Y = number of seats

X = the president's approval rating (the percentage.....

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