Candide: A Truly Foolish Protagonist Term Paper

Total Length: 391 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

He has refused to see the world clearly for so long, that once he has no choice other than to apprehend reality with its full force, it hurts him to see Cunegund grown ugly and shrill, and himself in mean and reduced circumstances.

He resolves to find some inner strength and bear down upon his ill temperament, to make his garden grow and to take pleasure in the simple tasks of life -- but he has already seen and sacrificed El Dorado, the legendary city of paradise he resolved to leave.

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The residents of El Dorado were so wise they played with jewels because of their commonness. But the lack of concern for the real trappings wealth displayed by these citizens was unfortunately parallel to the lack of concern Candide showed for reality, because he was so determined to see the world only in the way he was taught -- until it was too late. At the end, the protagonist determines, however, to ignore Pangloss, to tend his garden and to eat Cunegund's pastry as compensation.


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