Capture Data Sources Using the Digital Forensics Tool Term Paper

Total Length: 3217 words ( 11 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 7

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Digital Forensics to Capture Data Sources

Network Intrusion

Prioritizing Data Sources

Account Auditing

Live System Data

Intrusion Detection System

Event Log Analysis

Malware Installation

Prioritizing data sources

Activity Monitoring

Integrity Checking

Data Mining

Insider File Deletion

Prioritizing data sources

Use of Uneraser program Recovers the Deleted Data

Network Storage

A recent advance in information technology has brought about both benefits and threats to business organizations. While businesses have been able to achieve competitive market advantages through the internet technology, the hackers are also using the opportunities to penetrate the organizational network systems to steal sensitive data worth billions of dollars. A recent wave of cybercrimes leads to the growth of forensic investigation dealing with a collection of evidence to track cyber offenders. The study investigates different data sources that can assist in enhancing digital forensic investigation. The study identifies event log analysis, port scanning, account auditing, and intrusion detection system as important strategies for data sources.


The explosive growth of interconnection of network and computer systems has brought about benefits and inherent risks to organizations and individuals. Hackers and other cyber criminals have taken the advantages of the recent advance in technology to penetrate organizational network systems and steal sensitive data worth billions of dollars. In the United States, criminals steal data that worth billions of dollars from both private and public organizations yearly. The most intrigue aspect of the recent wave of criminality is that much traditional law enforcement agents are not well trained to track down the criminals because of the sophistication involved. The new wave of computer crimes has led to a development of the computer forensic science dealing with the digital tool for a collection, identification, examination, analysis of the network system to assist in preserving the integrity of data and information system. More importantly, the digital forensic experts assist in investigating the crime, collect and analyze vital evidence that can be used to prosecute cyber criminals. Digital forensic science deals with the investigation of data sources by collecting and examining the electronic evidence as well assessing the electronic attacks to recover lost information from the information system in order to prosecute the cyber criminals.

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In another word, digital forensic investigators collect a multitude of data sources to capture the evidence to be used for a legal procedure. In essence, forensic investigators need to differentiate data from different sources, compare data, prioritizing them in their level of importance.

The objective of this paper carries a comprehensive analysis of the strategy forensic investigators employ to collect data from their sources. The paper also provides challenges faced with regard to collecting and examining evidence from these sources.

Network Intrusion

Forensic experts carry out their investigation to capture evidence based on different events. A network intrusion is an intentional act with an attempt to intrude into an organizational network system in order to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the network, computer, and data stored in the systems. The network intrusion is the most important events because it is the most common technique that many intruders employ to gain an unauthorized access into the network system. Typically, the network intrusion can cause a significant damage to an organization leading to altering, damage or stolen of sensitive data from the information system. When attackers are able to gain access to the network systems, they can cause a significant damage to the hardware and software.

The case, (2005) argues that that an investigation involving a network intrusion are both costly and complex, which can take a great deal of time to resolve. The author cites an example of a case study where intruders penetrated the information systems of several laboratories in 2000 leading to shut down of the organizations for several days and loss of the enormous amount of revenue. When the forensic investigators were invited to come in, they used several procedure to carry out the investigation that includes using the incident handlers to acquire the evidence. It also took enormous of time to track the offenders. It was in 2004 that the offenders were finally brought to justice.

Prioritizing Data.....

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