Caputo Found the Suburbs Confining and Stultifying. Essay

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Caputo found the suburbs confining and stultifying. He was looking for a place to prove himself as a man after what could be viewed as an overly 'soft' beginning in life.

The men's anticipation of war ran a gamut of emotions from excitement to fear to relief.

During the initial phases of adjusting to life in Vietnam, Caputo reports being enchanted by the country. However, a great deal of the nation was experienced as extremely 'foreign.' Even the jungle looked the same. The men were never sure who was a friend and who was a foe.

False, because standard types of military engagements were rare. However, Caputo reports that when the soldiers could engage the Vietnamese in a standard combative situation, this produced almost an orgy of violence, because of the men's enthusiasm for the concrete nature of the combat. Most of the time, the men felt frustrated by the lack of direct engagement.

Q5. The massacre reflects a sense of built-up rage on the part of the men. Uncertain of how to deal with a war that was being fought by villagers and angry at being bested by peasants, the men took out their frustrations and aggressions on the townspeople.

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Q6. The men are filled with a sense of pent-up emotion and dread. This is finally released in the first firefight. Returning to the normal routine and coping with the realities of the horrors they have seen, leaves many men feeling extremely depressed.

Q7. Sullivan's death is narrated in very graphic detail to Caputo, including how the soldier's body was treated after he died. Unlike Ingram, Sullivan did not go looking for death, but death found him anyway. He is humanized in Caputo's imagination. Caputo can imagine Sullivan offering him a cigar, and telling him "it's a boy" after reading a letter from home. Because Sullivan died after Caputo left, Caputo feels a sense of responsibility to the man. He cannot help but wonder that perhaps, if he had stayed, he could have prevented what happened to Sullivan.

Q8. Unlike the medical doctor who can examine the bodies of the dead soldiers with clinical thoroughness, Caputo cannot shut himself out from the horrors he is witnessing. He is haunted by….....

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