Carbonica Global Warning Business Proposal

Total Length: 583 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Non-Profit Organization for Global Warming Cause: Carbonless

In this brief proposal, the aim of our non-profit organization, Carbonless, will be identified; the financial plan will be proposed. Carbonless would like to fight against global warming by planting trees and distributing the environmental awareness. Global warming is a bleeding wound of twenty-first century; therefore, there is an urging need for an organization bringing people together to plant trees and give workshop and lessons to inform people about the cause. Internet technologies, physical building, workshops and training would help us to reach people to stop, if not decrease, the global warming and increase the numbers of trees.

Nowadays, as a result of rapid growing online technologies, the internet is reachable to everyone. The reasonable price, bundled services with cable TV and telephone brought the internet to almost every house. Most people change their paper reading habits to internet news. This change in the people's habit is not only decrease the numbers of trees cut each year but also help people to reach or broadcast the news faster to the larger groups.
However, the latter requires big responsibility. Therefore, our organization has an urgent need for a webpage. The question is "What the designing criteria of a good non-profit webpage are." Aesthetic beauty, reliability, safety, usability; cost and functionality should be the main components of a good webpage. However, it is very important to find a good balance between all. For example, an amazingly looking page with alluring flashes and images does not mean a lot to the visitors without functionality and usability. Functionality of a webpage requires that all buttons of the site is active and all pictures or flashes serve for an aim. It is very important that users can….....

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