Career Technical Education (Cte) Has Certainly Changed Research Paper

Total Length: 605 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Career Technical Education (CTE) has certainly changed in a plethora of ways over the past 40 years. During that time, CTE has encountered significant funding issues. Public education in general has also encountered funding issues, but CTE and other job-skills related programs seem to be the first ones that have their budgets reduced. Less funding means that there are less CTE programs, and less that they can do to prepare students for skills that they will need in the employment market. Additionally, another eminent change related to CTE in the past several decades pertains to technology. It is vital to teach students basic computer skills to assist them in competing in today's job market. Even the most remedial of jobs frequently requires individuals to utilize computers for the application process and for other aspects of those jobs. Therefore, the curriculum of CTE programs has expanded to account for developments such as the widespread usage of the internet, social media, and even of mobile devices which are required to communicate in contemporary times.

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From what I have learned and researched on the subject, the passage of general education legislation has a direct impact on CTE. The most salient way in which this statement is true is related to budget issues. Funding for education in general has been greatly reduced in the last several years. Funding for CTE programs are generally part of the overall education budgets in various states and municipalities. Therefore, a reduction in those funds means less funds available fro CTE programs. Additionally, there has been a prioritization of resources -- including, but not limited to funding, equipment, and even human resources -- that greatly suggests that Common Core classes are more important than those specifically related to CTE. Some of this prioritization is evinced in the legislation for….....

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