Carol Emslie, MA, PhD, Is Thesis

Total Length: 742 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The research also points out the largely unconsidered aspect of 'macho psychology' and its effect on men from seeking healthcare. Of particular significance was the inference from many studies that women tend to be less serious about the symptoms of heart problem. Cultural beliefs and their position in the family as responsible homemakers make them naturally less inclined to pass on the burden to others. (Johnson & Morse 1990) Women tend to ignore their symptoms and they are more worried about their spouses and children. (Svedlund et al. 2001).

The author stresses that CHD tends to be perceived as a 'male disease' by the patients and in some instances by doctors as well. For instance, Thomas (1994) reported that female patients complained about physicians taking them lightly while LaCharity (1997) reported that postmenopausal women were angry that their CHD symptoms were ignored and attributed to stress, muscle spasm, indigestion and other minor conditions. LaCharity (1999) concluded that most women considered themselves safe from CHD until their menopause.

This research has good practical significance as it highlights the social constraints that inhibit women from seeking prompt care for symptoms of CHD. The outcome of the research stresses the need to couple psychosocial care alongside physiological care. Also the results garnered from this review could be used to increase the awareness about CHD among women and the need for seeking prompt care and adhering to proper rehabilitatory regimen.
This might require adaptations to routine lifestyle that would require cooperation from other members of the family. From a nursing perspective, understanding gender-based care requirements would enhance the care delivery and improve the rehabilitation for the patient. One problem with the review was that there were only few studies that explicitly compared the experiences of male and female patients (even in the studies that included both the subjects). Also, such a comprehensive review relating to the gender specific experiences of CHD patients would be more thorough if it is complemented by including the gender specific experiences of health care professionals. Future research in this direction would provide important information that could aid in the development of gender specific health care plan for CHD......

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