Case Study Affirmative Action Case Study

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Sister's Dilemma regarding Affirmative Action in the Financial Industry

Overall, the moral dilemma presented in this given scenario, on a general level, is if it is morally acceptable for a company to use affirmative action to redress a previously existing institutional negative imbalance of individuals in positions of authority from minority groups, such as African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans, or a negative imbalance of individuals from traditionally discriminated against groups and backgrounds, such as women. Or, in the case of my sister, an individual from both such groups.

Specifically, for the individual in question, the moral and ethical dilemma question could also be framed as, even if she believes such political actions are justified, should my sister allow her own clearly qualified credentials to be potentially debased, given that her hiring seems to be presented an act of affirmative action to the office, given that all other candidates for the position were also minority women?


Those who are affected are not merely the individual in question considering her own fated position within the company, nor those whom she is in competition with. It is also all the members of minority groups within the company whose contribution might be devalued if her hiring is perceived to be based on affirmative action alone -- yet if she refuses the position, their potential fates could also be in jeopardy, as another lost position may be given to those less committed to female, black, and nonwhite advancement within the company.


One has a right to pursue one's own self-advancement, and also one has the duty to remedy past wrongs -- wrongs done not only to one's self-interest at the company in question, but also to one's people at the company, and to one's people in American society.


The moral rankings as such could be defined as follows: 1. The obligation one owes to one's self (my sister) 2. Those 'the self' has an immediate contractual and professional obligation to, namely those 'under' one at the company 3.The other women of color at the company 4.
Women of color in general 5. The other employees at the company in general 6. People of color, as perceived by society. 7. Those in one's family whom are reliant upon one, emotionally and/or financially

Even if companies do not have legally or morally defined human rights responsibilities, clearly my sister as a right to herself as a private individual to protect her own survival, and a larger personal responsibility to those human beings nearest to her care and concern on a professional and a personal level. (One World Net, 2004)


In this particular scenario, clearly the candidate in question is qualified for the position based on her job performance and her credentials alone. Even if she lived in a color blind society, or lived a society that did not perceive African-Americans or people of color to be 'other' or 'different' (for instance, if she was a highly ranked Senior Commercial Underwriter in Nigeria, and all of her interviewers, employees under her sphere of responsibility, and competitors for the promotion were Black) she would clearly have a strong, personal argument for suggesting that she is the best woman for the job, and the best person for the job.

The dilemma is, of course, that my sister as such, does not live in such an idealized and color-blind world. In her decision to embark upon a successful career in the financial industry, she found herself in a world with a long legacy of discrimination against people and women of color. To remedy this, her firm is attempting to fulfill the position she aspires to with a 'minority' candidate, using interviewers whom are mainly minorities to interview the prospective candidates. All of the prospective candidates….....

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