Change Education System Education Constantly Essay

Total Length: 846 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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It is irresponsible to claim that schools do not seem serious as long as they keep programs that are currently in order. One should not look at the matter from the perspective of an adult who considers a part-time job to be childish. Individuals need to acknowledge that young people have to spend a significant amount of their time with their families in order for them to be able to integrate society properly. By taking them away from their families at an early age and by making them use the most important part of their time to learn, the educational system is likely to experience significant problems. Simply accumulating information present in the curricula is not the only thing that children should do while in school. They should also be able to learn how to behave properly and how to integrate the social order. It is practically as if Trachtenberg is more supportive of providing children with the ability to learn mechanically than of providing them with the ability to choose what they want to learn and actually be encouraged when they put across constructive attitudes.

Even with the fact that it has a lot of flaws and needs to be constantly improved, the educational system is designed this way for a reason.

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From the moment when they go to kindergarten for two to four hours per day and until they go to universities and spend a significant part of their day there, young individuals go through a maturing process that makes it possible for them to stay with their families until they are actually ready to experience a healthy integration in the social order.

While the concept of home-schooling is divisive for some people, others embrace it and actually experience positive results as they experience it from a first-person perspective. It would be absurd to claim that all parents are better prepared to teach their children when comparing them with actual teachers. However, there are some things that a teacher is not able to teach a child and this is why parent-children relationships need to be supported throughout the learning process.

Not only should the educational system accept the fact that it would be wrong for it to extend school hours, as the authorities virtually have to focus on improving relations between families and schools. This would enable parents to get actively involved in their children's learning process and to….....

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