Change: Individual Response Term Paper

Total Length: 486 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Organizational Behavior

How I Respond to Change

In some instances, change is largely inevitable. Just as we experience change in the various facets of lives, so do organizations. The relevance of effective change management cannot, therefore, be overstated. There are many factors that may bring about organizational change. While some of these factors are internal, others could be external. External factors include, but they are not limited to, technological, social, or even economic stimuli. On the other hand, internal factors include managerial policies, changes in strategy, etc.

It is important to note that different people react differently to change. My reaction to change largely depends on how I perceive the said change -- i.e. whether I perceive it as being positive or negative.
Generally, I tend to be appreciative of 'positive' change and hostile to 'negative' change. For clarity's sake, positive change, in my view, is that change whose effects on the organization are not adverse and whose impact on my person (in terms of both personal and professional growth) is positive. Negative change is any other change whose effect on both organizational interests and my person is adverse.

Over time, I have come to the realization that when analyzing any given instance of change, I tend to focus more on that which I stand to lose -- even when overall, the said change could be deemed positive. This, I admit, is a rather irrational response to change. It should also be noted….....

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