Changing Family Forms Book Report

Total Length: 1277 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Judith Stacy is a professor as well as author of cultural and social analysis. She focused mainly on studies of gender, queer relationships, and sexuality. She explores the typical pattern of relationships that deviate the basic western marriages idea in her article.

In 1968 Stacey got her bachelor degree from university of Michigan. In 1968 she received degree of Maters in history from university of Illinois and from Brandeis she received her PhD in sociology degree in 1969. She stayed in the faculty of university of California in 1979-1997 and then she appointed as Streisand professor of gender studies and PRF of sociology in southern California.

Judith Stacy, an expert on the family is very well-known for her challenging research on conventional issues. She seems to be very impatient with the increasing war situation of same sex marriages, divorce, fatherlessness, marital fidelity and the like. She unveils many profiles around the world which are based on unfamiliar culture of contemporary love, marriages and the family values.

Her research is based on original stories that cover the topic from relationship of gay men's and parenting in country to plural and non-marital form of family in South Africa and China. This book decouples the taken for granted relationship between love, marriage and parenthood. Comparing a typical family she gives us a chance to have a deep look at these unfamiliar varieties of relationship and family and their social conditions which butter or better them.

The book explains common beliefs about family through stories of real families leading to unavoidable personal exchange of desires and domesticity. It gives a powerful practical challenge to thinking that nuclear family of singles or gays is the only way to fulfill our requirement of relationship. Stacey advises the policy makers that if they want peace then they should accept that these varieties of family making are here to stay.

To observe the state of family in today's world Stacey did research of ten years on different families in China, South Africa and California.
In the West Hollywood she survey 50 men she observe the gay men and their feelings about gay marriage. She got issues of both sides. Then she discoverd that in South Africa both polygamy and gay marriages are legal. Her main motive to research was to find out that is there any benefit to single marriages. Then she explained the marriage concept in Mauo where marriages do not happen as they people do not believe in them. Their children are raised by their mother and they used to live in "multigenerational" households.

Stacy explained that love is related with marriage and children and then she concluded that marriage is not a worldwide universal. With the example of unique cultures she gives evidence that strong relationships between families can be made without marriages or only by knowing the child by its biological parents. She explains that typical chine's culture does not have a necessity of issues like divorce, family dissertation or fatherless children as these notations do not exit.

Stacy also said that by giving a legal right to same sex marriages will not bring any new change in parenthood and it also might not make any new benefit for couples. This she said that this right would not lead to equality.

In a Los angles study of couples, she studied different same sex couples and found they are using different methods in managing the children. She came to know some situations where a male couple and a female couple are sharing their children she refer this as "polyparenting arrangements." Stacy argues on this situation that in this case biological parents would give the more legal rights than non-biological parents.

Stacy said that now it's time to change our cultural value with basic point-of-view that if you love a person than….....

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