Chaucer's the Miller Tale the Research Paper

Total Length: 1726 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In contrast to bolstering the position of any specific class of society, in the Canterbury Tales Chaucer's method of story telling refuses to take sides: a tale by a knight is deflated by that of a miller, and the miller's wit is undercut by his drunkenness. While many critics have commented upon the ironic contrast between the Chaucerian teller of the tales and their content, such as the greedy Pardoner who condemns money as the root of all evil, this irony is also evident within the pilgrim's tales, even the funny miller's tale (Spearing 2001).

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Those who know best are shown to know least, and the man who tries to control his wife is shown to be the most out-of-control.


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