Church Help Make the Society Term Paper

Total Length: 920 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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And a local church: A group of believers in this age meeting regularly and organized biblically to do God's will. (Examples: Romans 16:1,3-5,14-16).

Fundamentally, church in history is basing each and every principle and belief through the teachings of the Holy Bible that was conceived in the works of the apostles of Jesus Christ in the early century AD and onwards to its distinction in the 18th to the 21st Century.

The Church and Its Believers

In the modern era, the worship of the church now varies in its level of worship through the attendance and patronage of its members. Data shows that church attendance also differs in different sects of the society and place of worship. The findings of the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan in its periodical World Values Survey states the following datas:

The United States has a higher level of church attendance than any other country which is "at a comparable level of development."

53% of Americans consider religion to be very important in their lives.
This compares with 16% in Britain, 14% in France and 13% in Germany.

The importance of religion has been declining in developed countries.

In those countries which are "experiencing economic stagnation and political uncertainty," the importance of religion is high.

These statements note that people's faith towards The Church is declining in areas where there is prosperity and development. It is within these places that everything seems to be on the positive aura thus peoples feelings towards the church is irrelevant and of no use because of abundance. However, those living in areas of despair consider their religion and faith towards The Church as the last bastion of hope for Christians to redeem themselves from their dissenting lives.

The Church, symbolically unites the people and the whole world as one entity, referring to the Whole Christian World. Many have rallied behind this dogma and shall continue to proclaim their beliefs towards the Divine Creator and Jesus Christ......

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