Citizen of the World With Term Paper

Total Length: 765 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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World citizenship will also foster political consciousness across the globe. There are regions that are more advanced politically than others, this means that as the global values will be enhanced, there will be influence propagation across the regions and the other areas will as well earn and adopt the political standpoints and styles of the other advanced regions.

Disadvantages of world citizenship

There are various disadvantages that come with being a citizen of the world. One thing is that the idea insinuates that there will be a universal or global government which is far fetched and impractical. The other issue is that such a regime could end up being intolerant of some cultures, ruthless to some dissidents and disregard some cultures.

The other problem can sprout from people being removed from their culture that they are used to and being forced to adhere to a global culture. This will mean an intentional subjugation and killing of the culture of some people since even the global culture will inevitably have traces of some majority state cultures.

Dual citizenship can also be exploited by some individuals who may want to escape from taxation in one country, some may get involved in crime and hide in the next country for asylum, there can also be imposing of the will of some groups on a wider population with the excuse of belonging to a global government (David McGuffin, 2011).


The ideals of global citizenship are quite unrealistic and may not work effectively. As Nussbaum puts it, there should be a focus on the internal canons and culture as the primary focus of education, with a focus for the outside possibilities. The impracticability of the global governance and the inefficiencies that come with it makes the idea of world citizenship to be an idea that is not implementable as at now......

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