City of the Future the Future Is Essay

Total Length: 410 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

City of the Future

The future is impossible to predict in its entirety, however glimpses of its manifestation are available by using imagination and forethought. The purpose of this essay is to describe my vision of the city of the future. This essay will examine this subject by categorically explaining who the future may take hold in these subdivisions.


While there is much stress and anxiety revolving around the current economic status of the world, I envision the future of urban economic life to be quite different. The current way of trade is becoming more obsolete every day. Globalization has brought many changes in the economies of the world and a certain counter-reaction will no doubt take place in the future.
Individual cities will begin making their own local currencies in the future creating new trade avenues. Cities will become larger and this economic maneuver will help protect these growing populations.


I envision the cities of the future to be more dynamic in terms of their demographics. More people will live in the cities but not for year-long periods of time. People of the future will travel more and more making the future more of a wandering time period. Cities will be larger….....

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