City Hall Plaza, Boston City Term Paper

Total Length: 730 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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These were useful in the years after the structure opened (which served as a way of allowing people to socialize in a comfortable atmosphere). This was intended to serve as public gathering place and to allow citizens an area where they could freely express their opinions. ("Boston City Hall," 2010)

Landscape elements

The different landscaping elements mainly consist of: redbrick cobble stones. These are surrounded by traditional cement. ("Boston City Hall," 2010)

Slope / Contour changes of the Plaza caused by connections to the road systems that surround the City Hall Plaza

The slope / contour changes were designed to accommodate the roads surrounding the structure. At the same time, they would help to connect the different historic streets of downtown Boston with one another. ("Boston City Hall," 2010)

ADA responses

To accommodate various handicapped persons, the city has been spending $5 million on updating various ramps and lifts into the plaza as well as the structure itself. ("Boston City Hall," 2010)

Location of the Entrance

The location of the building was situated in such a way; that is designed to invite large gatherings and crowds in front of the structure.
("Boston City Hall," 2010)

Placement, form, detail and scale of other buildings that surround the plaza and the affect they have on the space of the plaza. Their connection to other space.

The other buildings in the area are more colonial types of architectural styles. The effects that they have on space of the plaza, is to serve as a large open area for various gatherings. Some of the most notable include: when one of Boston's sports teams wins a major event and when Queen Elizabeth visited the structure in 1976 (as she was having lunch with the mayor). ("Boston City Hall," 2010)

Relationship between historical building and contemporary architectural style.

The building and the plaza were designed to serve as a bridge between Boston's past and its future. Where, the surrounding neighborhoods would denote the historical traditions of the city, while City Hall would serve as a symbol of Boston's future. ("Boston City Hall," 2010).....

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