City of Women and Candomble Term Paper

Total Length: 597 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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In the Candomble religion, it is considered natural for women to be religious leaders, which can be attributed to the role they play in religious services. Women who are leaders within the Candomble community are often referred to as "mothers of the holy one," a role they fulfill during their religious ceremonies when they allow gods to inhabit their bodies, using them as vessels, to communicate with practitioners of the Candomble religion. It is through rituals such as these that anthropologists can see parallels to Christianity in Candomble.

Rachel Harding, an anthropologist and author, contends that Candomble communities provide women with privilege, which is seen in their social ranking and the power they hold within the community. In Candomble, women are considered to be religious leaders, as well as individuals who maintain the history of their culture and their past. This is demonstrated in the documentary through the leadership roles women hold and the power they exercise.
Within the Camdomble religion, women are charged with making any and all decisions that affect their temples. Their power within the community is also seen through their competitive nature as they try to have their temple be recognized as the most authentic in the community. This power struggle within the Camdomble community further illustrates the power structure of the religion and the role women play.

On another level, this documentary also pays tribute to Ruth Landes and her contribution to the success of the film. Through her book, Landes demonstrated that women also have power in society to teach others about the unknown world around them and emphasize the roles women play throughout the world. Cidade das Mulhares successfully demonstrates the lasting impact of religion on Bahia, the role women play in the community, and how they were shaped by….....

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