Civil Rights Issues Today Healthcare Inequities and Mass Incarceration Article Review

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Diversity Inc: Reflecting on MLK Day—Article SummaryThe article “Reflecting on the History of MLK Day” by DiversityInc Contributer (2023) discusses the history of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which was established in the US to honor the civil rights leader and his legacy. The article begins by discussing the background of MLK, how he came from humble origins, and how he went on to be revered around the world before being assassinated. It then moves on to the topic of memorializing MLK with his own national holiday. This is the main point of the article, which is that there is a lesson in the story of how King received his own day.The article states for instance that it was not easy for recognition to be gained: “It took 15 years of lobbying to get the U.S. Congress to establish MLK Day, which finally became an official holiday in 1986” (DiversityInc Contributor, 2023). However, while the holiday was first observed in 1986, after years of advocacy by civil rights groups and other activists, it was not until 2000 that all states observed it. Yet even then, states like Alabama and Mississippi combined King’s day with Robert E. Lee’s day, making it…

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…incarcerate Black Americans at five times the rate of white Americans” and “in some states, it’s much higher.

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For example, a Black person in New Jersey is 12.5 times more likely to be imprisoned than a white person.” Clearly, there is room for action.Overall, the article provides background on MLK, tells about how the holiday is observed, and discusses civil rights issues that need attention today. Each section is clearly sub-titled and tied into the main theme of MLK’s national holiday. It addresses issues such as healthcare inequities and women’s rights, highlighting them as things MLK would have addressed had he….....

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