Classical Civilization Citizens the Death Essay

Total Length: 562 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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We will look to the representatives of the middle class for advice and help in our good governance.

We will promote a peaceful and non-conflicting approach towards all other empires and countries and will try to sort out the differences we have with some of our enemies. One of the first things in terms of foreign policy is meetings with our enemies and discussion of current problems. We don't believe in wars: wars cost money and we want to spend money doing more useful things, such as building the infrastructure and developing new public use projects. Negotiations will be undertaken, but remain assured that we will not give up on anything that is fundamentally vital for the survival of our great nation.

The competition for resources is a challenge we must all face, but finding alternatives such as wind power can help us become more independent in terms of our energy policies.

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You must be prepared to save energy when necessary and help us successfully face the challenge. I expect each of you to become involved in ensuring energy independence for our country, a vital and strategically important objective for our empire.

A expect all of you subjects to be involved as much as possible in developing policies that can help the community in which you leave. Be involved, that is my main expectation from you. Work hard, so that you will produce and enjoy the benefits of our centralized administration. Be thrifty, so as not to put pressure on our economic mechanisms, but develop your businesses and become true entrepreneurs......

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