Types of Bosses Essay

Total Length: 677 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Finally, reluctant managers are those that have high technical competence but lack interpersonal skills. Like wheeler-dealers, they let their jurisdiction run itself without much involvement. The difference is that, they know so much about the job that they tend to be highly innovative in the field. They are generally distanced from their staff but are respected resource persons in the technical aspect. If a procedural problem arises, they are ready to solve it, but if a non-routine challenge faces them it will be difficult for them to handle it. Hence, staff is expected to provide them with different alternatives and provide proof on which action is best to take.

In reality, there are as many types of bosses as there are types of people. The four types mentioned here (bureaucrats, autocrats, wheeler-dealers and reluctant managers) and the factors considered (governing principle, relationship with subordinates and overall attitude) is only one way of categorizing them. Nevertheless, there are also many ways of dealing with them and having a good relationship with them. To strengthen the boss-employee relationship, the latter must exert an effort to get to know the former not only professionally, but also personally (National Seminars Training, n.
d.). An employee's relationship with his/her boss could define the path he/she would take for her career. According to Joan McCormick, Human Resources Director for Eastern Financial Florida Credit Union, employees leave their jobs because of their boss, for them most part (gyanguru.org, 2007). Thus, knowing the boss' strengths and weaknesses and how to handle it as an employee is vital to survival in the workplace......

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