CLIL Teacher Disjuncture in CLIL Essay

Total Length: 625 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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93). He finds that "changing the medium of instruction places increased organisational and cognitive demands on both educators and students" (Mehisto, 2008, p. 94). The introduction of any new instructional method requires significant thought and effort on the part of the teacher. Mehisto (2008) describes a study of the implementation of a CLIL program in the former Soviet republic of Estonia begun incrementally in 2000 (p. 95). Mehisto (2008) notes, "a multiple focus calling for the integration of content and language is widely accepted as essential to bilingual education and the CLIL approach" (p. 96). The problem with this approach is, as Mehisto (2008) finds, "Teachers are often not in the habit of integrating both content and language, and as a consequence neither are students" (p. 98). Mehisto (2008) analyzes the Estonia study and concludes that in "approximately half of the lessons observed, teachers were seen to focus on both language and content learning" (p. 98). Conversely, in the other 50% of the lessons, disjuncture occurred.
The problem, as Mehisto (2008) has observed, is that "students in the observed lessons were not being made aware of what is expected of them both in reference to content and language learning. Consequently, students are less likely to maintain a consistent, dual focus on language and content" (p. 99). Mehisto (2008) concludes, "The articulation of learning outcomes that pertain both to language and content could support students maintaining a dual focus on both language and content" (p. 99).

CLIL has the potential to be a highly effective methodology for language instruction in the primary and secondary levels. This method is made less effective by teacher disjuncture from it. As Mehisto (2008) has found, when teachers teach in a way that illustrates complete commitment to the methodology, as evidenced by the articulation of and adherence to learning goals and outcomes,….....

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