Closing Statement/Summation Summation of Defense Term Paper

Total Length: 477 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Peterson's disappearance, could certainly not have found his wife and attempted her any harm. In fact, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the witness, Dr. Brian Peterson, stated that the baby was full term, at the time of Mrs. Peterson's disappearance the baby was most emphatically not a full term baby, thereby ladies and gentlemen giving you not only "reasonable" doubt. In fact, you have what is convincing reasonable assurance that; Scott Peterson did not murder his wife. Ladies and gentlemen, Scott has lost his wife and child and due to the prosecution of this case, Scott has lost time as well. The time that is usually a time when individuals are allowed for adjusting to such a loss and for dealing with their grief, for Scott Peterson, has been a time spent in the throes of defending himself against accusations and prosecution.

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Prosecution for the very crime that tore from his arms his wife and unborn child. Yes, unborn, for the baby was not yet full-term at the time of Mrs. Peterson's disappearance proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that Scott Peterson is innocent. Ladies and gentlemen, you can do no less than find Scott Peterson not guilty for this crime......

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